
What is Illegal to Watch on the Internet in India?

What is Illegal to Watch on the Internet in India?

The internet offers a vast library of content, but not all of it is legal to access in India. While the country has a relatively open internet compared to others, certain types of content fall under strict regulations. Let’s break down what you can’t watch online in India.

Child Pornography

This is a global concern, and India takes a strong stance against it. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 makes it a serious crime to view, download, or transmit any content that shows child sexual abuse. Such crimes carry heavy penalties, which may include jail time and large fines.

Content Promoting Violence or Hatred

India is a multicultural country with a deep cultural history. The Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000, prohibits online content that promotes violence or hatred against any individual or group based on factors like religion, race, caste, or gender. This includes content that incites violence or poses a threat to public order.

Obscene Content in Public Domain

While there’s no blanket ban on adult pornography in India, public display or distribution of obscene content is illegal under Section 292 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). This applies to websites, social media posts, or any platform where the content is accessible to the public.

Copyright Infringement

It is illegal to download or stream copyrighted content without authorization due to intellectual property rights. Movies, songs, apps, and other digital content fall under this category. The Copyright Act, 1957 protects writers’ and artists’ rights and penalizes infringers with fines and even jail time.

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It’s Important to Note

  • The Indian government occasionally blocks access to specific websites deemed to contain illegal content. These websites can be domestic or international.
  • The legal landscape surrounding online content can be complex. If you’re unsure about the legality of something you find online, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid accessing it.

You can responsibly use the extensive resources of the internet while abiding by Indian law if you are aware of these limitations.

What is Illegal to Watch on the Internet in India?

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